Dear Friends,
Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us faith to perceive that, according to his promise, he abides with his Church on earth, even to the end of the ages; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
Yesterday, the Church celebrated the Feast of the Ascension, the day when, in the presence of his disciples, Jesus vanished from their sight and was taken back into heaven.
By ascending into heaven, Jesus returns to the Godhead, taking his seat “at the right hand of the Father.” He has returned to where he came from but he has returned with a new perspective. Not only does he return to his rightful place, he also brings with him the 33 years of his experience of having lived and died as one of us. The human experience is now part of God’s experience. Because Jesus came to be one of us, God knows what it is to be sorrowful and joyful. God knows pain and hardship; God even knows doubt (remember Jesus’ words on the Cross “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Mark 15:34).
As you heard me say in my first sermon (and will probably hear it from me again!) – if I hadn’t been born into the Christian Church, I would eventually have sought it out because we truly do worship a God who walks with us every step of our way, having walked our human path in the person of Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s love,
This is a reminder that this coming Sunday is the second Sunday of the month and that
there will be a Rite I service at 8:00 a.m. in addition to the regular 10:00 a.m. service.
As we say goodbye to Mother Mandy, we welcome Pastor Willie and her husband Chris. If you have not met them yet, please introduce yourself and say hello. We are told that the next step in the search for our permanent rector is for the search committee to meet with Bishop Eaton for a spiritual orientation; we have asked that this meeting will take place this month before people scatter for the summer.
We have an enthusiastic and engaged vestry whose members include Isabel Lamas, Clint Bush, Disque Dean, Gloria Johnson and Allene Nicholson; Isabel is serving in the thankless role of junior warden and Clint is the vestry clerk after an extended term as senior warden. We do not have a treasurer and this is too important a position to remain unfilled. You do not need to be a vestry member or an accountant to serve as treasurer only to have a willingness to serve in an essential role. Please give thought to helping out.
I have been meeting weekly with the head of school, Leslie Lasseville, and attending the weekly staff meetings with Pastor Willie. I am pleased to report that the transition from Mother Mandy to Pastor Willie is proceeding smoothly.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Downs
Senior Warden
Mark Your Calendars…
Sunday, June 16th at 5:30pm
Our precious Deacon Miguel is about to celebrate a milestone birthday.
Our St. Christopher’s community will have a party in his honor at the home of Dottie Devaney
550 Harbor Drive.
To RSVP please text (305) 877-0721.
Please Pray For...
St Christopher’s Parish & School Community
Pat Neal, Susie Schradle, Kathy V, Carol, Isabel L.
Family & Friends
Erik, Marilyn, Jane, Stewart, Sherrie, Julian, Charles, Mary Jo, Michael V, Allison, Frances R., Paul, Angie M., Dominique, Debi P., Lisa K., Katrina, Barbara, Eleanor, Nancy, Bill and Family, Lori, Paul J, Hugh, Keith, Barbara, Rebecca, Esteban, Carol, Jack, Courtnay, Andy, Jane, Samuel, Niki, Dave, Geno, Patricia, Robert, Jackie, M.F.P., Bella and family, Betsy, Ethan, Danie, Dean and Richard, Gustavo Z., Gary, Mr. Long, Tracy, Shane, Stephen and Family. For Rex and Ruthann.
+ For the repose of the soul of Joan Ambrose and George Dooley
+ For peace in the Holy Land.
+ For refugees and all who are in danger.
+ For the Nominating Committee: Jeff Brosco, Pam Gordon, Callie Holderman, Lynne Nelson, Ken Noto and Peter Verbeeck, and Lynne Libby, their chaplain.
+ Peace, Freedom and the Safety for the people of Ukraine