////////////////// GENESIS //////////////////


Welcome to St. Christopher’s By-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Key Biscayne. We hope that you will join us soon for worship and for service to others, which are at the heart of our life together.

On Christmas Day, 1959, the parish’s first service was held in the Little Island Playhouse. The congregation soon moved into the building later known as the Calusa Playhouse, which it occupied until the present church came into service on Christmas Day, 1967.

The outdoor chapel and the Burton-Campbell Columbarium were built in 1976 and the present Parish Hall was added in 1987, allowing the original Parish Hall to be converted to the classrooms prayer gardenthat now house the Montessori preschool program. A new building for primary grades for the school was added in 1996, with upper elementary grades added with the completion of the second floor of the school building in 2001.A successful Capital Campaign in 2001 provided major renovations and improvements. Another fund drive in 2007 launched new gardens and other enhancements.

For the 2007 school year, a modular temporary classroom was installed to facilitate upgrading of existing facilities and to promote increased enrollment.

In 2009, the Preschool building was beautifully renovated. In 2021 we are proud to inaugurate our new state-of-the art building.

Wherever you are on your journey in faith, there is a place here for you and the people of St. Christopher’s By-the-Sea Episcopal Church


Our vision is to show people Jesus.

Mission & Purpose

St. Christopher’s By-the-Sea Episcopal Church and Montessori School’s vision is to be a joyous and welcoming Christ Centered Community which provides for age, gender and interest appropriate opportunities to build relationships with the Lord and each other.

////////////////// THE TEAM //////////////////

Clergy & Staff


The Rt. Rev. Peter Eaton, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida

The Right Reverend Peter Eaton | Bishop of Southeast Florida

The Right Reverend Peter Eaton has been the Bishop of Southeast Florida since 9 January 2016.

Bishop Eaton was elected the Bishop Coadjutor of Southeast Florida (the assistant bishop who succeeds the bishop on retirement) on 31 January 2015 at a special convention of the Diocese at Trinity Cathedral, Miami. He was ordained to the episcopate on 9 May 2015, and he became the Bishop of Southeast Florida on the retirement of the Right Reverend Leo Frade on 9 January 2016. Bishop Eaton was seated as the diocesan bishop at a special liturgy at Trinity Cathedral, Miami, on 30 January 2016. Lord Williams of Oystermouth, the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, was the preacher.

Deacon MIguel Baguer

The Reverend Deacon Miguel Baguer| Deacon

Pastor Willie Allen-Faiella

Pastor Willie Allen-Faiella | Priest In Charge

Reverend Willie grew up in the Washington, DC area. She attended Bryn Mawr College where she majored in modern European history, received an MA in Theatre Arts from Schiller College in (then) West Berlin, and her M.Div from the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia. Before entering seminary she served as the (civilian) director of a performing arts program at an American Army base near Pisa, Italy. There she met her husband Chris; they have been married for almost 44 years and have two children: Christopher (Kit) and Sophia who live in DC and NYC respectively.

Before coming to Miami in 2001 to serve as rector of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church and Day School in Coconut Grove, Rev Willie served as the assistant rector of Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill in Alexandria, Virginia, and as rector (for ten years) of Trinity Church, Gulph Mills in suburban Philadelphia. She retired from St. Stephen’s in March 2023.

Rev Willie and Chris, who works for Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, enjoy traveling, discovering new restaurants, and their cat Tux. They are both looking forward to being with the St. Christopher’s community where Rev Willie will be serving as part-time Priest in Charge. In addition to Sunday services she will be in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (which includes the Wednesday school service). Please stop by the office any time and introduce yourself.


John Barrow Director of Music and Liturgy

John M. Barrow
Director of Music

Cecilia Braham, Administrator

Cecilia Braham Administrator

Daniela Pinto, Human Resources

Daniela Pinto
Human Resources

Guido Mora Maintenance

Guido Mora


Santos Martinez Custodian

Santos Martinez

////////////////// THE BOARD //////////////////

Our Vestry

Our Vestry is responsible for enhancing both the spiritual and organizational life of the parish.

The Vestry manages all church property and assets, approves the budget, and authorizes major expenditures. Members of our Vestry serve 3-year terms and are open to hearing from those in the St. Christopher’s By-the-Sea community.

Joe Downs, Senior Warden
Isabel Lamas, Junior Warden
Clint Bush, Clerk

Disque Dean
Gloria Johnson
Allene Nicholson

Christian Cross

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”

Luke 10:27 The Parable of the Good Samaritan

St Christopher's by the sea

Welcome to St. Christopher's By-the-Sea