////////////////// WORSHIP //////////////////

Service & Coffee Hour
Sundays at 10am.
Coffee Hour and Conversation in the Parish Hall immediately follows our worship service. An extension of the warm and loving hospitality one finds during the service, our Coffee Hour is a favorite time to gather and catch up with each other and a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet and welcome newcomers.

Adults seeking baptism and parents wishing to have their children baptized must attend a one session class on Baptism. The class focuses on the theology, history and liturgy of the sacrament. Classes are held within two weeks of each scheduled baptism, as arranged with the Rector.

Communion Class
Christ comes to us bringing good news of God’s grace. God summons us to be in communion with Him through hearing and responding to Holy Scripture and by sharing in the sacred mystery of the consecrated bread and wine.

Confirmation Class
We make an adult profession of faith by publicly taking on our Baptismal Covenant and by sharing in the Pascal mystery of the consecrated bread and wine. Confirmation classes are usually held as part of our Adult Lenten Bible Study.

The clergy of the parish are happy to discuss and plan Christian Burial with anyone who desires such, whether they are a longtime parishioner or not.

Prayer Requests
At St Christopher’s By the Sea we believe in the power of prayer. Please let us know how can we pray with you and support you with our prayers

At St. Christopher’s, we marry any two people who wish to be married in a Christian service. Clergy are required to conduct pre-marital counseling with the couple well in advance of the marriage.
John M. Barrow
Director of Music
The beloved Director of Music at St. Christopher’s, John M. Barrow has been leading the choir since 2012. Barrow got his Bachelor of Music, Organ Performance at Oberlin Conservatory and his Master of Music, Choral Conducting at Florida International University. He is a musician, a scholar, a teacher, an investigator, and a lover of the world. This quintessential Renaissance man has brought a world class music program to St. Christopher’s By-the-Sea often performing with renowned opera singers and other guest performers. He is the heart and soul of our church and elevates the standard each and every week.
////////////////// REQUEST A SERVICE //////////////////
If you are interested in any of our services, please fill out the form or you may call the church office: 305.361.5080 or send an e-mail: stchrisadmin@stchriskb.org.

////////////////// OUR SERVICES //////////////////

Good Friday, March 29, 2024 – MOTHER, HERE IS YOUR SON

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday service started with a moving ceremony at the Columbarium and then moved to the Church for Eucharist and

Sunday, February 25th, Second Sunday of Lent
God bless Peter! Poor Peter! In the South we’d say, “Bless his heart.” He tries so hard, and yet he

The Third Sunday After the Epiphany ’24
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be always acceptable in thy sight O Lord,

A Tough Commandment
“Love god with all your heart
And with all your mind
And with all your soul”
To many

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”
Ephesians 2:8