The Harbinger June 7, 2024

The Harbinger Newsletter

Pastor Willie Allen-FaiellaDear Friends,

And so it begins. The long (lonngg…) green season in the Church’s liturgical calendar. There are actually two: the Epiphany Season and the Season after Pentecost which concludes the last Sunday before Advent or Christ the King. together both seasons are known as “ordinary time.”

“Ordinary time” comes from the fact that the Sundays are ordered, or numbered ( for example Epiphany 2 and Pentecost 23), but I like to think of it as a time we are invited to seek God, the extraordinary, within the ordinary. The liturgical color of this season is green as it evokes life and growth. During this season we focus on the life and teachings of Jesus which feed our own life and growth as his disciples.

Our Book of Common Prayer is a manual on how to seek God in our everyday life. It offers us the Daily Office (which begins on page 75 of the BCP) and its accompanying lectionary readings (which begin on page 934). We are now in Year Two since 2024 is an even-numbered year.

Another way to access the Daily Office is through various downloadable apps on your phone or computer. The one I currently use is The Mission of St. Clare. It has each of the Daily Offices with their accompanying readings and suggested prayers all in one place without having to flip back and forth in the prayer book.

May this long green season be a time for life and growth for us all as we go about our daily lives seeking God’s presence within that “ordinary” rhythm.

In Christ’s love,
Rev. Willie+

A Birthday Message

We will be celebrating shortly the birthday of our brother in Christ and friend Deacon Miguel. Take a moment to reflect on what Miguel means to you and our congregation at St. Christopher’s. Whenever he speaks, it is with a gentle and caring voice and you know he is speaking to you. His cherished sermons bring the love of Jesus to us in the present and we are enriched by his words. His ability to express the challenges of walking with Jesus gives us encouragement and hope. Take a moment to thank the Lord for placing Deacon Miguel with us as we all walk together and that God’s hand is on Miguel now and forever. 

Mark Your Calendars…
Sunday, June 16th at 5:30pm
Our precious Deacon Miguel is about to celebrate a milestone birthday.
Our St. Christopher’s community will have a party in his honor at the home of Dottie Devaney
550 Harbor Drive.
To RSVP please text (305) 877-0721.

Search Committee update

Search Committee

The Search Committee is up and running! While the process has started more slowly than any of us would have hoped, the good news is that work the committee completed in the fall moved us pretty far along in the extensive checklist of steps the diocese requires before posting the position to eligible candidates.  The committee (comprised of Jeff Brosco, Pam Gordon, Callie Holderman, Lynne Nelson, Ken Noto and Peter Verbeeck along with Lynne Libby serving as Chaplain) has now met with Bishop Eaton and is engaged with the Canon for Transitions, Fletcher Montgomery. Based on earlier work, and with help from Canon Montgomery, the committee has submitted a first draft of a Parish Profile to the bishop and is awaiting final approval. This profile, in effect, serves as the “job positing” for interested candidates for the rector position at St. Christopher’s. Once it is approved by the bishop, the rector position will be made public and we should start to receive inquiries from potential candidates. While there is no set timeline for this part of the process, we are optimistic that interest will be strong and that we can move swiftly to name a new rector. In the meantime, we are in very capable hands with Reverend Willie. We are blessed to have her with us, guiding the parish during this time of transition. Stay posted for more updates from me (and other members of the committee) as we continue in the process.  Thank you for your continued patience and prayers as we open our hearts and minds to where this endeavor leads us as a community.

Pam Gordon

Pictures from last Sunday's Service and Vassa's Baptism

Vassa Baptism
Vassa Baptism
Vassa Baptism
Prayer Requests

Please Pray For...

As the Body of Christ we are called to pray for each other in times of sickness or hardship, or any form of distress, as well as to give thanks for the bounty and goodness which God has given us.

We are also happy when our prayers have been answered or are no longer needed as the illness, crisis, or concern may have passed. If you have anyone currently on our prayer list who has been blessed in this way please contact Cecilia Braham in the parish office ( to let her know if there are any names to be removed. Many thanks in advance.

St Christopher’s Parish & School Community

Pat Neal, Susie Schradle, Kathy V, Carol, Isabel L.

Family & Friends

Erik, Marilyn, Jane, Stewart, Sherrie, Julian, Charles, Mary Jo, Michael V, Allison, Frances R., Paul, Angie M., Dominique, Debi P., Lisa K., Katrina, Barbara, Eleanor, Nancy, Bill and Family, Lori, Paul J, Hugh, Keith, Barbara, Rebecca, Esteban, Carol, Jack and Marilyn Courtnay, Andy, Jane, Samuel, Niki, Dave, Geno, Patricia, Robert, Jackie, M.F.P., H.H.R., Bella and family, Betsy, Ethan, Danie, Dean and Richard, Gustavo Z., Gary, Mr. Long, Tracy, Shane, Stephen and Family. For Rex and Ruthann.

+ For the repose of the soul of Joan Ambrose and George Dooley

+ For peace in the Holy Land.

+ For refugees and all who are in danger.

+ For the Nominating Committee: Jeff Brosco, Pam Gordon, Callie Holderman, Lynne Nelson, Ken Noto and Peter Verbeeck, and Lynne Libby, their chaplain.

+ Peace, Freedom and the Safety for the people of Ukraine

St Christopher's by the sea

Welcome to St. Christopher's By-the-Sea