Dear Friends,
As we move into the summer season, your St. Christopher’s Vestry continues its work, often behind the scenes and unrecognized.
One example of that is the recent Vestry Retreat where we spent our day last Saturday the 22nd working on both the immediate and longer-term needs of our parish. Important ongoing projects include buildings and grounds upgrades, new management software for the school, reorganizing and improving our accounting practices, managing our investment account, updating our communications, surveying the community to learn more how we are perceived, and the all-important process of finding our new Rector. Critically valuable updating of the school and parish bylaws has now been accomplished, and our working relationship with Pastor Willie is already well-established.
Here are a few fun facts about your Vestry which you may not already know.
Last year, the Vestry was downsized and streamlined from nine members to six.
Our new Senior Warden is Joe Downs, who has served in the same role in the past, and Isabel Lamas continues in her vital role as Junior Warden.
The school Board of Trustees oversees the governance of the school, but that Board reports to the Vestry, and we have a critically important role in guiding the school’s mission and vision for the future. One new initiative that you will be hearing about is the addition of the International Baccalaureate Program to the curriculum as an added bonus to the school’s iconic Episcopal and Montessori identities.
The Vestry will be taking on another working weekend in September when we meet in a seminar format with representatives from the National Association for Episcopal Schools along with our school Board of Trustees with a goal of better understanding best practices for the future.
My point in reviewing all of the items above is to remind each of you that serving your parish as a member of the Vestry is not boring! So, when the opportunity comes to step forward when new Vestry members are nominated in December, I pray that you will find it in your heart to be part of guiding St. Christopher’s into the future.
Clint Bush
Clerk of the Vestry
Dear Friends,
My husband Chris and I made plans to travel to Iceland this summer long before we knew we would be coming to St. Christopher’s. We leave tomorrow for New York where we will, belatedly, celebrate her birthday with our daughter Sophia, and then on Monday evening we fly to Reykjavik. We’ll be renting a car for a few days to drive around the Golden Circle and then board a cruise ship for a 10-day cruise circumnavigating the island with numerous stops (including one day in the Faroe Islands). I will be back in the office on July16.
I am so sorry to miss another big event at St. Christopher’s, namely the 4th of July breakfast St. Chris’ is offering as an outreach to the first responders and volunteers staffing the parade. I am thrilled that this tradition is continuing even though its original sponsors, the Holdermans, are moving away. Many thanks go out to everyone who rallied, came up with the funding, and will be volunteering next week. There is so much to be thankful for here at St. Christopher’s!
I hope that each of you will find time for rest, respite, and replenishment this summer. Remember, even God rested on the seventh day! And wherever you find yourself this summer my prayers go with you.
In Christ’s love,
You are invited to St Christopher’s By-the-Sea
4th of July Pre-parade Breakfast
8:30am First Responders
9am For the General Public
For more information please email Carol Zeiner at

In case you missed it,
please click below for the link to Deacon’s Birthday Party
story in the Islander

Please Pray For...
As the Body of Christ we are called to pray for each other in times of sickness or hardship, or any form of distress, as well as to give thanks for the bounty and goodness which God has given us.
We are also happy when our prayers have been answered or are no longer needed as the illness, crisis, or concern may have passed. If you have anyone currently on our prayer list who has been blessed in this way please contact Cecilia Braham in the parish office ( to let her know if there are any names to be removed. Many thanks in advance.
St Christopher’s Parish & School Community
Pat Neal, Susie Schradle, Kathy V, Carol, Isabel L.
Family & Friends
Erik, Marilyn, Jane, Stewart, Sherrie, Julian, Charles, Mary Jo, Michael V, Allison, Frances R., Paul, Angie M., Dominique, Debi P., Lisa K., Katrina, Barbara, Eleanor, Nancy, Bill and Family, Lori, Paul J, Hugh, Keith, Barbara, Rebecca, Esteban, Carol, Jack and Marilyn Courtnay, Andy, Jane, Samuel, Niki, Dave, Geno, Patricia, Robert, Jackie, M.F.P., H.H.R., Bella and family, Betsy, Ethan, Danie, Dean and Richard, Gustavo Z., Gary, Mr. Long, Tracy, Shane, Stephen and Family. For Rex and Ruthann. For Ulla Britt Faiella and Ivonete Leite.
+ For the repose of the soul of Rick Faiella, Roberto Weisson & Doris Hodges.
+ For peace in the Holy Land.
+ For refugees and all who are in danger.
+ For the Nominating Committee: Jeff Brosco, Pam Gordon, Callie Holderman, Lynne Nelson, Ken Noto and Peter Verbeeck, and Lynne Libby, their chaplain.
+ Peace, Freedom and the Safety for the people of Ukraine